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Daily Archives: June 21, 2004

Can E-Mail Prevail?

This article highlights some of the current and emerging applications and standards that can be implemented in an effort to respond to the deluge of spam, as discussed at the recent E-Mail Technology Conference. What caught my eye was this paraphrased statement from Dr. Vinton Cerf: “He gave the example of an exchange that might entail a three-day e-mail chain, but which could be handled in a five-minute phone call.”

Ask Jeeves Launches Beta “Binocular View” Search Feature

Press release: Ask Jeeves Adds New SmartSearch(TM) Features; Upgrades Site with Binoculars(TM) Site Preview Tool: “…According to an independent user study conducted by VeriTest (Competitive Analysis of Ask Jeeves Search Engines), the testing division of Lionbridge, binoculars reduced the number of clicks required to find relevant results by 50-70% per search.” For reference: Smart… Continue Reading

Consumers Convey Increased Satisfaction With Federal E-Gov Sites

Recent E-Government Scores for Q2 2004, conducted by the independent American Customer Satisfaction Index, ranks 58 sites that agreed to participate in the survey. Recruitment sites received the highest scores, while in the aggregate, sites focused on e-commerce were scored lowest. Websites at the top of the list include: the MedlinePlus main website, the U.S.… Continue Reading

Recommendations to Improve Federal Gov’t Websites Available to the Public

Final Report of the Interagency Committee on Government Information, Submitted to The Office of Management and Budget, June 9, 2004. From the Summary of Recommendations: 1. Citizens must be able to identify official federal government websites and trust that those websites will provide current and accurate government information. 2. Federal public websites must be written… Continue Reading