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Daily Archives: June 11, 2004

California Legislation on Publishing Cell Phone Numbers Without Consent

Via TalkLeft, Forget privacy if cell-phone directory becomes a reality:

  • For reference, see AB 1733 – “This bill would prohibit a provider of mobile telephony services, as defined, selling or licensing lists of subscribers or otherwise providing the name and dialing number of a subscriber for inclusion in a directory, from including the dialing number of any subscriber without first obtaining the express consent of that subscriber. The bill would establish certain requirements for the provider’s form for obtaining the subcriber’s express consent.” Also see related bill AB 1335.
  • USPTO Grants Order Challenging Patent on Operating System for File Names

    From the Public Patent Foundation press release: “The United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued an Order granting the Public Patent Foundation’s Request for Reexamination of Microsoft’s patent on the FAT file system, which Microsoft concedes is “the ubiquitous format used for interchange of media between computers, and, since the advent of inexpensive, removable… Continue Reading