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Daily Archives: June 10, 2004

FCC Reports 42% Increase in Broadband Use Over One Yr Period

“The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today released summary statistics of its latest data on the deployment of high-speed connections to the Internet in the United States: High-speed lines connecting homes and businesses to the Internet increased by 20% during the second half of 2003, from 23.5 million to 28.2 million lines, compared to a 18% increase, from 19.9 million to 23.5 million lines, during the first half of 2003. For the full twelve month period ending December 31, 2003, high-speed lines increased by 42%.”

  • Report on High-Speed Services for Internet Access
  • New FCC Website on History of the Internet

    From the FCC press release: “The FCC today introduced the third in a series of exhibits on the history of various communications technologies. The new exhibit focuses on the history of the Internet, including the communication technologies used to access the Internet.” The Internet: A Short History of Getting Connected Continue Reading

    EPIC Sues to Obtain Gov’t Paper Trail on Collection of Passenger Data

    “In court papers (16 pages, pdf) filed June 9, EPIC is seeking the expedited release of records from the Transportation Security Administration and Federal Bureau of Investigation detailing the agencies’ efforts to obtain passenger information from major commercial airlines. A document (pdf) obtained by EPIC earlier this year led to the revelation that the FBI… Continue Reading

    Computer Crime and Security Survey

    Just released: the 2004 Computer Science Institute (CSI), FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey (PDF, the results of which are summarized in this press release. Conducted annually for the past nine years, the survey noted a significant decrease in DoS attacks as reported by 494 computer security practitioners from corporate, government, academic, medical and financial… Continue Reading