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Monthly Archives: May 2004

Election Commission Hears Testimony on E-Voting Technology Flaws

At a hearing on the “Use, Security, and Reliability of Electronic Voting Systems” held today by the United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC), Johns Hopkins University computer science professor and computer security expert Avi Rubin testified that the e-voting systems currently in place for the November election are fundamentally flawed. A recent New York Times… Continue Reading

The Tech Guru

From Walt Mossberg, Making the Internet A Little Easier On Aging Eyes, and about Walt Mossberg, The Kingmaker, “Walt Mossberg makes or breaks products from his pundit perch at a little rag called The Wall Street Journal.” Continue Reading

TSA Begins Screening Rail Passengers in Maryland

TSA Launches New Passenger Rail Security Pilot Program: The TSA…launched a test program [for 30 days] to measure the feasibility of explosives screening for people and bags traveling on U.S. trains. Amtrak and Maryland Rail Commuter (MARC) passengers boarding at the New Carrollton train station will be screened for explosives starting May 4 as part… Continue Reading

Advocacy Groups Call for Investigation of Gmail

From the text of a May 3 letter sent by EPIC, the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, and the World Privacy Forum, to California Attorney General Bill Lockyer: “We write to urge your office to investigate Google’s “Gmail” service. We believe that Gmail violates California Penal Code § 631, which governs eavesdropping on confidential communications. In light… Continue Reading