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Monthly Archives: May 2004

Ownership of “Information” In the Digital Environment

Information Cannot Be Owned by Jean Nicholas Druey, April 2004: “Apart from technology, the information age has up to now badly served its idol. It has failed sufficiently to recognize specific features of information. This is shown with respect to the question whether legal rights on information can take the form of ownership. The answer… Continue Reading

Data on Gov’t Websites Does Not Pose Security Risk

As a follow-up to my May 5 posting, Dept. of Interior Guidelines to Secure Geospatial Data, from the Rand Corporation, this press release stating that “Less than 1 percent of publicly available federal Web sites and databases contain geospatial information not readily available elsewhere that could help terrorists and other hostile forces mount attacks in… Continue Reading

NY Bar Associaton Reports on Human Rights and Detainees

From the Association of the Bar of the City of New York press release issued April 30, 2004: “The New York City Bar Association released a report today comprehensively analyzing the multitude of domestic and international laws prohibiting torture and regulating interrogation processes, and making recommendations for how the U.S. should interrogate detainees.” Human rights… Continue Reading

NLM Debuted New Website Design Today

From the FAQ on the redesign, which includes screen shots and navigation tips: “The resulting look incorporates an entirely new feel, and an easier to use navigation. The homepage includes many new features: up-to-date news, quick links to popular resources, and a carefully tested organization designed to help users find what they need as quickly… Continue Reading

Website Usability Study Indicates Progress With Room to Improve

According to a new survey by Web usability guru Dr. Jakob Nielsen (presented at the Web Usability 2004 conference), net users are achieving greater success locating specific information using search engines than was previously the case. This is in large measure to improvements made by the search engines themselves, as well as more precision used… Continue Reading

Gartner Reports Rise in Web Fraud

Gartner Study Finds Significant Increase in E-Mail Phishing Attacks: “Phishing attacks by hackers against online consumers have become so widespread that an estimated 57 million Americans likely have received these fraudulent e-mails, according to a new study released today by Gartner, Inc. Direct losses from identity theft fraud against these phishing attack victims cost U.S.… Continue Reading

Use of “Cut-Off” Dates for FOIA Searches

DOJ Office of Information and Privacy, FOIA policy guidance:Use of “Cut-Off” Dates for FOIA Searches: “…all federal agencies should be mindful of the proper use of “cut-off” dates in their administration of the FOIA. Only with proper attention to this basic mechanism for determining a FOIA request’s full scope at the outset of their handling… Continue Reading