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Monthly Archives: May 2004

Hearing on Bill to Expand Patriot Act

May 18, 2004 – Legislative hearing on H.R. 3179, the “Anti-Terrorism Intelligence Tools Improvement Act of 2003.” Witness List, Chairman Howard Coble, Daniel Bryant, Thomas Harrington, and from the prepared statement of Bob Barr, “The question before us today is whether the USA PATRIOT Act should be expanded this year. In short, the answer is… Continue Reading

Biometric ID Will Be Added to US Passports

U.S. passports to get ID chips: The State Department will be testing machine readable passports, incorporating facial scanning for U.S. citizens, this fall, with plans for wider implementation in 2005. DHS Secretary Ridge and Sec. of State Powell recently requested a two-year extension for 27 countries who had been required to meet a “October 26,… Continue Reading

DOJ Advisory Cmte. Warns About Data Mining and Privacy

According to the New York Times, the Technology and Privacy Advisory Committee advises the DOJ, in an report delivered in March, but just made available (although not yet on the TAPAC website), that due to data mining undertaken by the government in the fight against terrorism, there is the need to establish additional legislative protections… Continue Reading

Senate Resolution Calls for Substantial Improvements to THOMAS Website

S. Res. 360 – Expressing the sense of the Senate that legislative information shall be publicly available through the Internet. May 13, 2004: From the statement by co-sponsor Sen. Leahy: “In particular, we are calling on the Library of Congress to improve its public website, called “THOMAS (U.S. Congress on the Internet),” in order to… Continue Reading

Congress Requests That GAO Investigate E-Voting Technology

David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, received a letter last week signed by a bipartisan group of 13 House members, requesting a formal investigation of e-voting security and reliability. The group stated the issue involved “a critical aspect of American democracy — the ability of Americans to have confidence that the votes… Continue Reading

FTC Settles Fair Credit Reporting Act Case

From an FTC press release yesterday: “One of the nation’s largest debt-collection firms will pay $1.5 million to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) by reporting inaccurate information about consumer accounts to credit bureaus. The civil penalty against Pennsylvania-based NCO Group, Inc. is the largest civil penalty… Continue Reading

Reliability of E-Voting Technology Challenged Again

From the Miami Daily Business Review via, this article adds fuel to the fire that is threatening to undermine public support for e-voting machines in the upcoming national election. After the recent high profile news about California’s decision to decertify Diebold equipment, this article documents serious problems with the iVotronic Touch Screen Electronic Voting… Continue Reading