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Monthly Archives: May 2004

GAO Report Faults DHS IT Plans

Information Technology: Homeland Security Should Better Balance Need for System Integration Strategy with Spending for New and Enhanced Systems. GAO-04-509, May 21. From the Highlights: “GAO is making recommendations to the Secretary aimed at limiting the department’s investment in IT systems until the department’s IT strategic management framework is sufficiently defined and the department’s CIO… Continue Reading

New Study Indicates Continued Need for Traditional Communications to Supplement E-Gov’t

New Pew Internet and American Life Project Report released today: “How Americans Get in Touch With Government – Internet users benefit from the efficiency of e-government, but multiple channels are still needed for citizens to reach agencies and solve problems.” (38 pages, pdf) From the Summary: “In sum, e-gov is a helpful tool among several… Continue Reading

Hundreds of California Municipal E-Gov’t Sites Fall Short in Usability Tests

Study Reveals Government Websites Are Unusable To A Growing Number Of Californians “A comprehensive assessment of over 400 municipal websites reveals that 91% of California’s cities fail to meet basic accessibility standards. The results show that most city websites are unusable by a wide range of people, including blind, deaf, and mobility impaired individuals, as… Continue Reading

E-Gov’t Scorecard Yields Unimpressive Results

“The Executive Branch Management Scorecard (released quarterly) tracks how well the departments and major agencies are executing the five government-wide management initiatives.” [Link] The report scores agencies using a color-coded system – Green for success, for mixed results, and Red for unsatisfactory. “Agencies received 61 red scores, 57 yellow and 12 green, making it the… Continue Reading

New Bill Seeks to Protect Homeland and Civil Liberties

“Congressman Kendrick Meek (D-FL), Member of the House Select Committee on Homeland Security and Congressman Jim Turner (D-TX), Ranking Member of the Committee, and House Democrats, yesterday introduced the Strengthening Homeland Innovation by Emphasizing Liberty, Democracy, and Privacy Act, or SHIELD Privacy Act, to strengthen homeland security by protecting privacy and civil liberties.” Text of… Continue Reading