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Daily Archives: May 27, 2004

Maryland Enacts Model Anti-Spam Law

Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich signed the Maryland Spam Deterrence Act (HB 1320), which “prohibits a person from sending multiple commercial electronic mail (e-mail) messages under specified circumstances from a protected computer. Violators are subject to criminal and civil liability.”

New Survey Documents Increase in E-Crimes

“The 2004 E-Crime Watch survey (pdf, 20 pages) conducted among security and law enforcement executives by CSO magazine in cooperation with the United States Secret Service and the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute’s CERT Coordination Center, shows a significant number of organizations reporting an increase in electronic crimes (e-crimes) and network, system or data… Continue Reading

Advocacy Group Recommends Privacy Features in Response to Gov’t Data Mining

From the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), a 15 page report (pdf), Anonymization May Protect Privacy As Government Seeks Data, that states: “The same technology that permits the accumulation, sharing, and analysis of huge databases also allows for the incorporation into information sharing systems of features that protect information from abuse or misuse. In… Continue Reading

Privacy of Medical Data in Credit Approval Process

From EPIC: “EPIC and a coalition of privacy advocacy organizations filed comments (pdf) with five federal agencies which issued a proposed regulation under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act. The coalition supported the regulation’s general prohibition on creditors obtaining or using medical information about a consumer in connection with deciding whether the consumer is… Continue Reading