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Daily Archives: May 12, 2004

Report on Critical Gov’t IT Modernization Program

Via AP, news of the publication, by the National Academies’ Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, of a new report (78 pages, pdf), A Review of the FBI’s Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Program.

  • From the Executive Summary: “Although the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has made significant progress in its information technology (IT) modernization program in the last year or so, the committee believes that the FBI’s IT modernization program is not currently on a path to success…For Trilogy and subsequent IT projects to have access to the human talent they need to succeed, the FBI must dramatically grow its own internal expertise in IT and IT contract management as quickly as possible.”
  • Related links on Trilogy are here and here.
  • GPO Digitization Project

    GPO Digitization Priorities Survey: “GPO is conducting a survey to compile a list of priority government documents titles or series that should be among the early items to be digitized. Please review the list of candidates for digitization that have already been proposed and add other titles that you feel should be on the list.… Continue Reading

    Univ. Website of News and Legal Resources on Iraq

    Iraq: Legal News & International Law includes updated links to Iraq news compiled from sources around the world, selected online articles discussing international legal issues in Iraq, research websites, reports and research papers, documents, inspections and sanctions, human rights issues, and law of war resources. Prepared by Vincent Moyer, Foreign, Comparative & International Law Librarian,… Continue Reading