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Daily Archives: May 7, 2004

Gartner Reports Rise in Web Fraud

Gartner Study Finds Significant Increase in E-Mail Phishing Attacks:

  • “Phishing attacks by hackers against online consumers have become so widespread that an estimated 57 million Americans likely have received these fraudulent e-mails, according to a new study released today by Gartner, Inc. Direct losses from identity theft fraud against these phishing attack victims cost U.S. banks and credit card issuers about $1.2 billion last year.
  • Use of “Cut-Off” Dates for FOIA Searches

    DOJ Office of Information and Privacy, FOIA policy guidance:Use of “Cut-Off” Dates for FOIA Searches: “…all federal agencies should be mindful of the proper use of “cut-off” dates in their administration of the FOIA. Only with proper attention to this basic mechanism for determining a FOIA request’s full scope at the outset of their handling… Continue Reading

    Database Nation: Privacy, E-Commerce & Gov’t Info Mining

    From the June 2004 issue of Reason magazine, take the time to read this article (10 pages, pdf), Database Nation, The upside of “zero” privacy, by Declan McCullagh: “Focusing on government power would keep intact the advantages of databasifcation – such as lower prices and cheaper mortgages – while limiting possible abuses by law enforcement.… Continue Reading

    Copyright Regulation and Access to Web Document Archives

    New Lawsuit Spotlights Thousands of Copyright “Orphans” That Should Be in the Public Domain: “The plaintiffs in Kahle v. Ashcroft are the Internet Archive and Prelinger Associates, both Web libraries that make thousands of works freely available online, including audio, books, films, and software. In general, these works must be in the public domain, unburdened… Continue Reading

    Survey on Proposed WIPO Broadcasting Treaty

    From the Union for the Public Domain (UPD), a non-profit citizens group since 1996, whose goal is “to protect and enhance the public domain in matters concerning intellectual property,” news of this Survey of National Government Representatives Regarding the WIPO Broadcasting Treaty, “being used by volunteers to collect information about national positions on the proposed… Continue Reading