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Monthly Archives: April 2004

9/11 Commission Statement on FBI’s Counterterrorism Efforts Prior to 9/11

Staff Statement No. 9: Law Enforcement, Counterterrorism, and Intelligence Collection in the United States Prior to 9/11 (pdf, 12 pages) From the report’s Conclusion: “On September 11, 2001, the FBI was limited in several areas critical to an effective, preventive counterterrorism strategy. Those working counterterrorism matters did so despite limited intelligence collection and strategic analysis… Continue Reading

9/11 Commission Preliminary Findings on Threats and Responses in 2001

Threats and Responses in 2001, Staff Statement No. 10. See also submitted testimony from today’s hearing: Louis J. Freeh, Former Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation; Janet Reno, Former Attorney General of the United States; Thomas J. Pickard, Former Acting Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation; Ambassador J. Cofer Black, Former Director, Counterterrorism Center, Central Intelligence Agency;… Continue Reading

2002 CRS Report on Testimony by Presidential Advisers

Presidential Advisers’ Testimony Before Congressional Committees: A Brief Overview “Congress has a constitutionally rooted right of access to the information it needs to perform its Article I legislative and oversight functions. Generally, a congressional committee with jurisdiction over the subject matter, which is conducting an authorized investigation for legislative or oversight purposes, has a right… Continue Reading

Task Force Recommendations for Info Security

From the press release: “The Corporate Governance Task Force of the National Cyber Security Partnership (NCSP) today released a management framework and call to action to industry, non-profits and educational institutions, challenging them to integrate effective information security governance (ISG) programs into their corporate governance processes.” See the April 1, 2004 Task Force Report, Improving… Continue Reading

Launch of New Blog On Gov’t Ethics

Interagency Ethics Council: Standards of Conduct for Federal Employees: “This site aims to perform this function by providing timely links to resources at official web sites like the Office of Government Ethics as well as news reports and other resources, including training materials prepared by members of the Interagency Ethics Counsel.” [Jerry Lawson] Continue Reading

DHS Establishes New Cmte. on Privacy

SUMMARY: The Department of Homeland Security provides notice of establishment of the Data Integrity, Privacy, and Interoperability Advisory Committee. This notice also requests qualified individuals interested in serving on this committee to apply for membership….Applications forms for membership should reach the Privacy Office on or before April 30, 2004…The Committee’s charter will also be available… Continue Reading