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Monthly Archives: April 2004

U. Maryland Launches New Site on Info Policy Issues

“The Center for Information Policy (CIP), University of Maryland, is a multidisciplinary research center that analyzes and provides solutions to current policy issues relating to the convergence of information and technology…Privacy, intellectual property and information security are just a few of the areas where CIP offers independent, unbiased quality analysis, advice and proposals for action.” Continue Reading

FTC Statements and Resources on ID Theft

FTC Working to Protect Consumers and Businesses from Information Security Breaches Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On Protecting Our Nation’s Cyberspace, Presented by Commissioner Orson Swindle Before the Subcommittee On Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census of the Committee On Government Reform, United States House of Representatives (April 21, 2004). FTC… Continue Reading

Email Fraud Escalates

Huge Surge In Phishing Scams As Fraudsters Seek Financial Gain This link on “Earthlink Toolbar™Featuring ScamBlocker™ EarthLink ScamBlocker is part of a free browser toolbar that alerts you before you visit a page that’s on Earthlink’s list of known fraudulent phisher Web sites. Its free to all Internet users.” [Download] Continue Reading

Controversy Over E-Voting Machines Escalates

From the Campaign for Verifiable Voting in Maryland: “A cross-partisan group of registered Maryland voters announced today they will be filing a lawsuit against the Maryland State Board of Elections and its Administrator, charging that the new Diebold AccuVote-TS electronic voting machines recently purchased by Maryland fail to comply with both state and federal law.… Continue Reading

Securing Intelligence and Protecting Civil Liberties

Domestic Intelligence and Civil Liberties, by Kate Martin (Director, Center for National Security Studies), SAIS Review, Winter-Spring 2004. [Secrecy News] “The 9.11 Commission hearings have highlighted intelligence failures by the FBI and CIA before September 11. On April 13, 2004, Attorney General Ashcroft told the Commission that the “wall” between law enforcement and intelligence was… Continue Reading