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Monthly Archives: April 2004

DMCA and Its Impact on Search Engine Content

Application of the DMCA Safe Harbor Provisions to Search Engines, by Craig W. Walker, Virginia Journal of Law & Technology, Volume 9, Issue 1 – Winter 2004: “The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) established procedures that Internet service providers can implement to gain protection from liability for copyright infringement by their users. Under DMCA “notice… Continue Reading

Record Amount of Gov’t Paperwork During Current Administration

Government Paperwork Burdens Have Increased Substantially under the Bush Administration, United States House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform – Minority Staff Special Investigations Division, April 20, 2004: From the text of the report – President Bush has made reducing the burdens of completing government paperwork a key item in his economic agenda. In speech… Continue Reading

DOJ Enforcement Actions Against Online Piracy

Attorney General John Ashcroft’s Remarks Regarding Operation Fastlink and Internet Piracy (4-22-04): “Intellectual property enforcement is a priority for the Department of Justice. That is why last month I established the Intellectual Property Task Force. This task force is looking at how the Department can strengthen and improve our efforts to combat theft of intellectual… Continue Reading

U.S. No Longer Global Leader in Internet Use

A study by the Economist Intelligence Unit says the United States now ranks sixth in E-readiness: “The U.S. ranks sixth on this year’s E-readiness list of 50 developed countries. E-readiness measures a nation’s E-business milieu to determine how open it is to Internet-based opportunities.” (the 2004 e-readiness rankings report, 30 pages, pdf) In last year’s… Continue Reading

Credibility of E-Voting in California in Serious Doubt

Four California counties ban e-voting technology due to security flaws, equipment malfunctions and questions about manufacturer business practices. Legislators Express Doubts About Intergrity of Electronic Voting Machines VerifiedVoting.Org Welcomes Unanimous Vote to Ban Diebold Paperless E-Voting Machines: “ today welcomed the unanimous recommendation by California’s Voting Systems Panel to ban many of Diebold paperless electronic… Continue Reading