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Daily Archives: April 29, 2004

New on

  • Could you be sued for turning over an Internet user’s sign-up information to law enforcement?
  • Business Filings Databases — Updated
  • Notes from the Technology Trenches: Bloomberg for Law Firms
  • Metaforix@Health – Medicare Resources Online
  • FOIA Facts – FOIA Fees
  • Burney’s Gadgets for Legal Pros – The Fabulous Life of a Pivoting Monitor
  • Wisdom From the Grammar Goddess – Defining Diction
  • First Criminal Cases Filed Under CAN-SPAM Act

    FTC press release: “The FTC has cracked down on two spam operations that have clogged the Internet with millions of deceptive messages and violated federal laws…Both operations have been identified by the anti-spam organization Spamhaus as among the largest spammers in the world.” Complaint: Federal Trade Commission, plaintiff, v. Phoenix Avatar, LLC doing business as… Continue Reading