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Daily Archives: April 28, 2004

Are Resources on Women’s Issues Disappearing from Gov’t Websites?

The National Council for Research on Women issued a report today on the organization’s documentation of how specific information and resources on women’s issues is no longer available to the public through government sponsored channels. [Link to the press release]

  • From the Executive Summary: “The report concentrates on missing information that directly affects women’s lives. Vital data has been deleted, buried, altered, or has otherwise gone missing from government websites and publications.”
  • The text of the report – MISSING: Information About Women’s Lives, 24 pages, pdf.
  • New Regs on Privacy of Medical Records and Financial Transactions

    Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (2003) implementation; fair credit reporting medical information regulations: notice of proposed rulemaking, April 28, 2004: “The OCC, Board, FDIC, OTS, and NCUA…are required to prescribe regulations that permit creditors to obtain or use medical information for eligibility purposes where necessary and appropriate to protect legitimate operational, transactional, risk, consumer,… Continue Reading