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Daily Archives: April 26, 2004

DOJ Assigns US Attorney to Investigate Senate Filegate

As a follow-up to this post on the theft of Senate Judiciary Cmte. computer files, Sen. Patrick Leahy today issued the following statement:

  • “I have been notified that the Department of Justice has ‘assigned’ to David Kelley, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, the investigation of Republican staff theft of Democratic staff memoranda from the Senate Judicial Committee computer from at least 2001 to 2003.”
  • DHS Issues Wireless Interoperability Requirements

    “SAFECOM was established to serve as the umbrella program within the Federal Government, to help local, tribal, state, and federal public safety agencies improve public safety response through more effective and efficient interoperable wireless communications. [Link] “The Statement of Requirements (SoR) for public safety communications and interoperability provides information on base level requirements for a… Continue Reading

    DMCA and Its Impact on Search Engine Content

    Application of the DMCA Safe Harbor Provisions to Search Engines, by Craig W. Walker, Virginia Journal of Law & Technology, Volume 9, Issue 1 – Winter 2004: “The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) established procedures that Internet service providers can implement to gain protection from liability for copyright infringement by their users. Under DMCA “notice… Continue Reading