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Daily Archives: April 24, 2004

Release of Photos Sparks Debate on FOI and Privacy

“Department of Defense spokesman Bryan Whitman and Dana Milbank of the Washington Post debate the Pentagon’s ban on media coverage of the return of fallen service members that was broken twice this week.” [Link]

  • The gallery of 361 photos, obtained via a FOIA request by the and whose posting resulted in this controversy. The photos have now been identified to include those of the return of the Columbia astronauts, as well as our service men and women who served in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • Bush backs policy restricting images of war dead
  • DOJ Enforcement Actions Against Online Piracy

    Attorney General John Ashcroft’s Remarks Regarding Operation Fastlink and Internet Piracy (4-22-04): “Intellectual property enforcement is a priority for the Department of Justice. That is why last month I established the Intellectual Property Task Force. This task force is looking at how the Department can strengthen and improve our efforts to combat theft of intellectual… Continue Reading