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Daily Archives: April 23, 2004

U.S. No Longer Global Leader in Internet Use

A study by the Economist Intelligence Unit says the United States now ranks sixth in E-readiness: “The U.S. ranks sixth on this year’s E-readiness list of 50 developed countries. E-readiness measures a nation’s E-business milieu to determine how open it is to Internet-based opportunities.” (the 2004 e-readiness rankings report, 30 pages, pdf) In last year’s… Continue Reading

Credibility of E-Voting in California in Serious Doubt

Four California counties ban e-voting technology due to security flaws, equipment malfunctions and questions about manufacturer business practices. Legislators Express Doubts About Intergrity of Electronic Voting Machines VerifiedVoting.Org Welcomes Unanimous Vote to Ban Diebold Paperless E-Voting Machines: “ today welcomed the unanimous recommendation by California’s Voting Systems Panel to ban many of Diebold paperless electronic… Continue Reading

U. Maryland Launches New Site on Info Policy Issues

“The Center for Information Policy (CIP), University of Maryland, is a multidisciplinary research center that analyzes and provides solutions to current policy issues relating to the convergence of information and technology…Privacy, intellectual property and information security are just a few of the areas where CIP offers independent, unbiased quality analysis, advice and proposals for action.” Continue Reading