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Daily Archives: April 19, 2004

The “Cost” of Open Access

Who Pays for Open Access? by Helen Doyle, Andy Gass, Rebecca Kennison.

  • “Here we address…the perception that the publication-charge model puts an unfair burden on authors. Subsequently, we will address concerns about the long-term economic viability of the open-access model, the integrity and quality of work published in open-access journals, and the effect that open access will have on scholarly societies.”
  • [via Stuart Levine]

    FTC Spyware Workshop

    Today the FTC hosted a public workshop, “Monitoring Software on Your PC: Spyware, Adware, and Other Software,” (Agenda, pdf) “to explore the issues associated with the distribution and effects of software that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge and which may send such information to another entity without the… Continue Reading

    Law Enforcement and Info Sharing

    The Legal Framework in U.S. Law for Sharing Law Enforcement and Intelligence Information, by Rebekah Bina and Caroline Nicolai. (Syracuse University College of Law students) “This paper provides an overview of the legal authorities governing information sharing, followed by a brief discussion of the recent developments, benefits, and risks in this growing field.” Continue Reading

    New Survey Indicates Broadband Use Growing

    Broadband Penetration on the Upswing: 55% of Adult Internet Users Have Broadband at Home or Work. “As of March 1, the Pew Internet & American Life Project finds that 68 million adult Americans log on via broadband either at home or work. Fully 48 million adult Americans have broadband connections at home.” Continue Reading

    FTC Spells Out CAN-SPAM Compliance Requirements for E-Mail

    The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers “The law, which became effective January 1, 2004, covers email whose primary purpose is advertising or promoting a commercial product or service, including content on a Web site. A “transactional or relationship message” – email that facilitates an agreed-upon transaction or updates a customer in an existing business… Continue Reading

    Draft Protocol for Net Reference Exchanges

    From the National Information Standards Organization, “a draft Question/Answer Transaction Protocol (pdf, 52 pages) that supports Q&A between library patrons and reference sources has been released for a one-year trial use period April 5, 2004-April 5, 2005…The Protocol defines a method and structure for data exchange between digital reference service domains. This new standard supports… Continue Reading