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Daily Archives: April 9, 2004

FDIC Issues E-Mail Fraud Warning

FDIC Issues Warning About Fraudulent E-mails: “The FDIC has received complaints from consumers who received an e-mail that appears to have been sent by the FDIC. The e-mail is purportedly from security at and the subject is fraud report. The e-mail informs recipients that their bank account has been temporarily closed because of fraudulent… Continue Reading

White House to Release Presidential Doc. in Response to 9/11 Commission

According to White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett, the Presidential Briefing Document (titled “Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States,” August 6, 2001) discussed in testimony by Dr. Rice before the 9/11 Commission April 8 hearing will be declassified in following with a procedure not disclosed. Al-Qaeda threat included in Bush memo, sources… Continue Reading