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Daily Archives: April 8, 2004

Will Utah’s Spyware Control Act Start a Legislative Trend

Utah’s Spyware Protection Act, H.B. 323, “enacts provisions within the Commerce and Trade Code relating to certain uses of spyware.

  • “This bill prohibits spyware from delivering advertisements to a computer under certain circumstances; requires spyware to provide removal procedures; allows a website, trademark, or copyright owner to bring an action to enforce the requirements; and requires the Division of Consumer Protection to collect complaints.”
  • See also the SPY BLOCK Act (S. 2145)
  • DHS Confirms TSA Requested Passenger Data From JetBlue

    DHS Responds to Sens. Collins, Lieberam Request to Explain TSA’s Role in Obtaining Sensitive Airline Passenger Information “In a letter to Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Susan Collins (R-ME) and Ranking Member Joe Lieberman (D-CT), Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, said the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) did play a role in… Continue Reading

    Heightened Focus on Gmail by Privacy Advocates

    From the World Privacy forum, this press release and letter (pdf) on behalf of a coalition of over two dozen privacy and advocacy groups, addressing Google’s new webmail service, Gmail, specific to the retention and repurposing of user data for e-commerce and law enforcement applications. Screenshots of Gmail from a beta tester, here and here. Continue Reading

    Michigan Electronic Medical Records Program

    The Michigan Electronic Medical Records Initiative (MEMRI) proposes to place online the medical records of state residents in an effort to increase the quality of care in medical emergencies. However, there are significant privacy issues associated with the online availability of patient medical profiles, including medication lists and social histories. Continue Reading

    Requests for Release of Pivotal 9/11 Related Presidential Documents

    From CNN, 9/11 panel asks White House to declassify key document Press release: “The National Security Archive at George Washington University today called for the public declassification of the controversial President’s Daily Brief from August 6, 2001 – discussed at length in today’s testimony by national security adviser Condoleezza Rice before the commission investigating the… Continue Reading