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Daily Archives: April 2, 2004

Online Debate on Open Source Access to Scientific Literature

From the journal Nature, via Slashdot, Access to Literature, the Debate Continues: “The Internet is profoundly changing how scientists work and publish. New business models are being tested by publishers, including open access, in which the author pays and content is free to the user. This ongoing web focus will explore current trends and future… Continue Reading

Bush Administration Withheld Clinton Papers from 9/11 Commission – Updated

From the New York Times, April 2: Bush Aides Block Clinton’s Papers From 9/11 Panel. Clinton authorized access to the documents by the Commission, but the current administration subsequently did not provide them with the majority of the relevant 10,800 pages. From AP, April 3: 9/11 Panel Gets Access to Clinton Records. News from April… Continue Reading