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Monthly Archives: March 2004

GAO Report on Gaps in Security for Classified Industrial Info

Industrial Security: DOD Cannot Provide Adequate Assurances That Its Oversight Ensures the Protection of Classified Information. GAO-04-332, March 3. Highlights. “DoD’s Defense Security Service (DSS) cannot provide adequate assurances to goverment that its oversight of contractor facilities reduces the risk of information compromise.” Continue Reading

GPO Plans for a Paperless Future

“GPO officials appeared before the Senate Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee this week [March 4] to request $25 million for digital publishing and distribution technology.” [Link] “Our vision is to move the GPO forward from a predominantly ink-on-paper distributor of printing requirements to a life-cycle manager of digital Government information, electronically collecting, organizing, processing, and protecting… Continue Reading

Medical Records Privacy Under Assault

Administration Sets Forth a Limited View on Privacy “In a sharp departure from its past insistence on the sanctity of medical records, the Bush administration has set forth a new, more limited view of privacy rights as it tries to force hospitals and clinics to turn over records of hundreds and perhaps thousands of abortions.”… Continue Reading

Challenges Faced by News Providers

What Newspapers and Their Web Sites Must Do to Survive: “Longtime online news consultant Vin Crosbie says newspapers and their Web sites must change their approach to publishing news — online and off — if they want to successfully compete with the many Web sites and other new information sources vying for readers’ attention and… Continue Reading

Report on Unauthorized Access to Senate Judiciary Cmte. Computer Files

“Report on the Investigation into Improper Access to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Computer System (March 4, 2004). The Report Prepared By The U.S. Senate’s Sergeant At Arms On How Two Former GOP Senate Judiciary Committee Staffers Downloaded Thousands Of Democratic Files From The Senate Judiciary Committee’s Computer Network On Democratic Opposition To President Bush’s Judicial… Continue Reading