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Monthly Archives: March 2004

Government Gazettes Online From Around the World

Government Gazettes Online: “This website attempts to list all online government gazettes and their characteristics to aid researchers. A description of the contents and coverage are included for each gazette.” The listing is alphabetical by country, and includes the gazette title, url, languages, free or fee, range of coverage, format of, and an abstract about,… Continue Reading

Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web

A terrific database from the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, it currently comprises links to over 2,900 exhibitions, browsable by alphabetical title list, exhibition name, institution and subject terms. [Metafilter] From among the site’s eclectic, whimsical and content rich resources: Gutenberg and Beyond: Books, Libraries, and Changing Technology, Memories of Picnics and Thomas Edison: A Lifetime of… Continue Reading

More States Withdraw Participation In Crime Database

AP reports that New York and Wisconsin have withdrawn their participation in the Multistate Anti-TeRrorism Information EXchange (MATRIX) program. The program now has only five remaining state participants. My other postings on MATRIX. See also A Dual-Edged Sword: Providing Information, Stealing Privacy, “In the case of Matrix and its ilk, our time-honored standards of privacy… Continue Reading

Significant Corporate Problems With Records Retention

Press release from AIIM: American Companies Fail To Address Retention of Email and Electronic Records – Survey Finds “e-Records” Policies Non-Existent in Almost Half of Companies [Link] “Nearly half of American companies have not adopted records retention policies for email and other electronic documents, despite the serious issues raised about corporate records keeping over the… Continue Reading

Amicus Brief in Cheney Energy Task Force Case

Press release: “The National Security Archive, together with America’s leading library and archival associations and four public interest groups, filed a joint amicus brief today in the U.S. Supreme Court case brought by Vice President Richard Cheney to prevent discovery into the makeup of his controversial energy policy task force.” “Joining the Archive in the… Continue Reading

Copies of Anti-Spam Lawsuits Filed by Industry

As posted yesterday, AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo and Earthlink filed lawsuits against defendants they allege are in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act. Complaint and Exhibits (America Online, Inc. v. John Does 1-40) (March 9, 2004) Complaint and Exhibits (America Online, Inc. v. Davis Wolfgang Hawke, et al. (March 9, 2004) Complaint (Earthlink, Inc. v. John Does… Continue Reading