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Monthly Archives: March 2004

NC State Univ. Scientists Develop Ultra-High Speed Net Access

From the University press release: “Researchers in North Carolina State University’s Department of Computer Science have developed a new data transfer protocol for the Internet that makes today’s high-speed Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) connections seem lethargic. The protocol is named BIC-TCP, which stands for Binary Increase Congestion Transmission Control Protocol. In a recent comparative study… Continue Reading

E-Gov Sites Effectively Compete With Private Counterparts

The current American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Report is available in two parts, one presenting Fourth Quarter Scores (Last Update: February 18, 2004) Retail, Finance/Insurance, E-Commerce, and one presenting Recent E-Government Scores for Q1 2004. The studies indicate that some e-gov sites register user satisfaction that meets that of widely known e-commerce sites such… Continue Reading

New Study Reviews Corporate Cost of Privacy Compliance

IBM commissioned a privacy study by the Ponemon Institute, the results of which are detailed in this press release. The “survey of 44 U.S.-based multinational organizations and revealed that while privacy protection is growing in importance for businesses, investments in privacy initiatives are significantly lower when compared to other corporate compliance initiatives, such as environmental… Continue Reading