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Monthly Archives: March 2004

TSA to Get Privacy Czar

From UPI: “Acting chief of the Transportation Security Administration, David M. Stone told lawmakers that he would shortly appoint a special privacy officer and an external privacy oversight board to calm public fears about the Big Brother character of the agency’s computerized passenger threat profiling system. Press release: “The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released a… Continue Reading

New Digital Law and Technology Journal

From the AHRB Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law based in the School of Law at the University of Edinburgh, a new web-journal, SCRIPT-ed, which “will offer articles of up to 10,000 words in length containing detailed comment and analysis on the law/technology interface.” [Link from Marcus Zillman] SCRIPT-ed, Issue 1,… Continue Reading

New Database on Bush Administration Statements on Iraq

From Rep. Henry Waxman, Ranking Member, Committee on Government Reform, this searchable database comprises “237 specific misleading statements about the threat posed by Iraq…made by “five officials (President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice) in 125 public appearances in… Continue Reading

Well Deserved Spotlight Shines on Expert International Librarians

From the press release: “On a monthly basis during 2004, the Infopro Web site will spotlight a law librarian from a different country. This month, our spotlight is on Moyra McAllister, National Library Manager at Blake Dawson Waldron in Australia. See also last month’s spotlight on the world renowned Lyonette (‘Lyo’) Louis-Jacques of the University… Continue Reading

HHS OIG To Review Claim Medicare Cost Data Withheld From Public

HHS Secretary Thompson Calls for Investigation Into Whether Medicare Actuary Was Pressured To Withhold Estimates. From the New York Times: Inquiry Ordered on Medicare Official’s Charge Mysterious Fax Adds to Intrigue Over the Medicare Bill’s Cost The Actuary and the Actor: “Actors were hired by the Department of Health and Human Services to pose as… Continue Reading

Testimony From CAPPS II Hearing Today

“The purpose of this hearing is to determine the status of the Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS II), and the progress made in addressing concerns regarding privacy, due process, accuracy, and the effectiveness of the system.” [Link] The Transportation Security Adminstration’s CAPPS II, by Paul Rosenzweig (Senior Legal Research Fellow in the Center for… Continue Reading

GAO Report on Federal Agency Data Security

Information Security: Continued Efforts Needed to Sustain Progress in Implementing Statutory Requirements, by Robert F. Dacey, director, information security, before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census, House Committee on Government Reform. GAO-04-483T, March 16. Highlights. Continue Reading

Unredacted Version of House Judiciary Rpt. on Stolen Computer Files

Via CalPundit, a pdf version of the report, and from Cryptome, an HTML version with “redacted names and ommited footnotes in red.” Previous postings, Report on Unauthorized Access to Senate Judiciary Cmte. Computer Files and Prosecutor Requested to Investigate Unauthorized Access to Senate Judiciary Cmte. Computer Files. Continue Reading