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Monthly Archives: March 2004

Coalition Sponsors New Website With Focus on Access to Gov’t Docs.

A coaliton comprised of library associations and advocacy groups with a strong interest in freedom of information, has launched a new website, still under construction, called The group is seeking public contributions of the “ten most wanted government documents” to be posted to the site. Areas of interest include national security, environment, health and… Continue Reading

Tracking Federal Campaign Contributions

FundRace2004’s searchable database provides information on federal election campaign contributions made by individuals in the amount of $200 and above. Users may search by a combination of address and zip code (results on zip code alone result when no data is available by specific address), or by last name or first and last name combination.… Continue Reading

NSA Issues Final FOIA Rule

DoD: National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS), Freedom of Information Act Program, Final rule, March 19, 2004 [Federal Register] “This part implements the Freedom of Information Act, as amended. It assigns responsibility for responding to written requests made pursuant to the Act and provides for the review required to determine the appropriateness of classification.” Continue Reading

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A Selected Bibliography on the Freedom of Information Act, 1980-2004 Public Libraries and the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA): Legal Sources – Updated Metaforix@Health: Keeping Up With Health Trends Online Through E-Letters Notes from the Tech Trenches: Cost Effective Research Wisdom From the Grammar Goddess: Commas Many Agency Websites Play Hide and Seek With FOIA… Continue Reading