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Monthly Archives: March 2004

Challenges to Finding Credible Health Info on the Web

Press release: “Today URAC and Consumer WebWatch (CWW), a project of Consumers Union, released a report that finds problems with access to credible health information on the Internet and makes expert recommendations for improving access to health information for consumers.” Setting the Public Agenda for Online Health Search, A White Paper and Action Agenda (pdf,… Continue Reading

Yahoo Introduces New Program to Mine Deep Web

From the Yahoo press release issued today: “YAHOO! Search launches new content acquisition program providing more relevant, comprehensive online content for users. Includes telationships with NPR, The New York Public Library,…Wikipedia, a free, multilingual online encyclopedia with articles in more than 50 languages; and the National Science Digital Library (NSDL), the National Science Foundation’s online… Continue Reading

New Report on Copyright Law and Business Innovation

From the Committee for Economic Development: “Promoting Innovation and Economic Growth: The Special Problem of Digital Intellectual Property, a new CED policy statement is now available. The statement includes an overview of copyright law and business innovation, as well as recommendations for overcoming the challenges inherent in digital media. Developing and testing new business models… Continue Reading