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Daily Archives: March 30, 2004

FCC Proposed Reg on VoIP

From the March 29, 2004 Federal Register: Review of Regulatory Requirements for IP-Enabled Services: “This document seeks comment on issues relating to services and applications utilizing Internet Protocol (IP), collectively referred to here as ‘IP-enabled services.” These services include, but are not limited to, voice over IP (VoIP) services, other communications capabilities utilizing the Internet… Continue Reading

Rice to Provide Public Testimony, Pres. & VP Will Do So In Private

As reported by AP, Rice to Testify in Public Under Oath. The statement by the 9/11 Commission indicates this agreement is “consistent with [their] mandate to provide a full and complete accounting of the terrorist attacks of September 11.” President Announces Rice to Provide Public Testimony to Commission Letter from White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales… Continue Reading

GAO Provides Uneven Scorecard on E-Gov Initiatives

Electronic Government: Initiatives Sponsored by the Office of Management and Budget Have Made Mixed Progress, by Linda D. Koontz, director, information technology, before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census, House Committee on Government Reform. GAO-04-561T, March 24. Highlights. Of OMB’s 25 e-government initiatives, kudos go to, “This site allows… Continue Reading