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Daily Archives: March 18, 2004

New on

  • A Selected Bibliography on the Freedom of Information Act, 1980-2004
  • Public Libraries and the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA): Legal Sources – Updated
  • Metaforix@Health: Keeping Up With Health Trends Online Through E-Letters
  • Notes from the Tech Trenches: Cost Effective Research
  • Wisdom From the Grammar Goddess: Commas
  • Many Agency Websites Play Hide and Seek With FOIA Information
  • Burney’s Gadgets for Legal Pros: Products From Shure Will Be Magic to Your Ears
  • After Hours: Middle Eastern Pantry
  • TSA to Get Privacy Czar

    From UPI: “Acting chief of the Transportation Security Administration, David M. Stone told lawmakers that he would shortly appoint a special privacy officer and an external privacy oversight board to calm public fears about the Big Brother character of the agency’s computerized passenger threat profiling system. Press release: “The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released a… Continue Reading

    New Digital Law and Technology Journal

    From the AHRB Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law based in the School of Law at the University of Edinburgh, a new web-journal, SCRIPT-ed, which “will offer articles of up to 10,000 words in length containing detailed comment and analysis on the law/technology interface.” [Link from Marcus Zillman] SCRIPT-ed, Issue 1,… Continue Reading