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Daily Archives: March 16, 2004

Unredacted Version of House Judiciary Rpt. on Stolen Computer Files

Via CalPundit, a pdf version of the report, and from Cryptome, an HTML version with “redacted names and ommited footnotes in red.” Previous postings, Report on Unauthorized Access to Senate Judiciary Cmte. Computer Files and Prosecutor Requested to Investigate Unauthorized Access to Senate Judiciary Cmte. Computer Files. Continue Reading

NC State Univ. Scientists Develop Ultra-High Speed Net Access

From the University press release: “Researchers in North Carolina State University’s Department of Computer Science have developed a new data transfer protocol for the Internet that makes today’s high-speed Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) connections seem lethargic. The protocol is named BIC-TCP, which stands for Binary Increase Congestion Transmission Control Protocol. In a recent comparative study… Continue Reading