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Daily Archives: March 15, 2004

E-Gov Sites Effectively Compete With Private Counterparts

The current American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Report is available in two parts, one presenting Fourth Quarter Scores (Last Update: February 18, 2004) Retail, Finance/Insurance, E-Commerce, and one presenting Recent E-Government Scores for Q1 2004. The studies indicate that some e-gov sites register user satisfaction that meets that of widely known e-commerce sites such as Amazon.

  • “Health and recruitment are two high-potential, high-impact areas of e-government….These agencies (Health and Human Services’ MedlinePlus and OPM’s USAJobs) are showing they are up to the challenge of actively competing with the private sector.” [Link]
  • New Study Reviews Corporate Cost of Privacy Compliance

    IBM commissioned a privacy study by the Ponemon Institute, the results of which are detailed in this press release. The “survey of 44 U.S.-based multinational organizations and revealed that while privacy protection is growing in importance for businesses, investments in privacy initiatives are significantly lower when compared to other corporate compliance initiatives, such as environmental… Continue Reading

    Government Gazettes Online From Around the World

    Government Gazettes Online: “This website attempts to list all online government gazettes and their characteristics to aid researchers. A description of the contents and coverage are included for each gazette.” The listing is alphabetical by country, and includes the gazette title, url, languages, free or fee, range of coverage, format of, and an abstract about,… Continue Reading