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Daily Archives: March 12, 2004

Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web

A terrific database from the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, it currently comprises links to over 2,900 exhibitions, browsable by alphabetical title list, exhibition name, institution and subject terms. [Metafilter]

  • From among the site’s eclectic, whimsical and content rich resources: Gutenberg and Beyond: Books, Libraries, and Changing Technology, Memories of Picnics and Thomas Edison: A Lifetime of Invention.
  • More States Withdraw Participation In Crime Database

    AP reports that New York and Wisconsin have withdrawn their participation in the Multistate Anti-TeRrorism Information EXchange (MATRIX) program. The program now has only five remaining state participants. My other postings on MATRIX. See also A Dual-Edged Sword: Providing Information, Stealing Privacy, “In the case of Matrix and its ilk, our time-honored standards of privacy… Continue Reading

    Significant Corporate Problems With Records Retention

    Press release from AIIM: American Companies Fail To Address Retention of Email and Electronic Records – Survey Finds “e-Records” Policies Non-Existent in Almost Half of Companies [Link] “Nearly half of American companies have not adopted records retention policies for email and other electronic documents, despite the serious issues raised about corporate records keeping over the… Continue Reading