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Daily Archives: March 10, 2004

Study on Media Coverage of WMD Issue

Media Coverage of Weapons of Mass Destruction, the latest study from the Advanced Methods of Cooperative Security Program, March 9, 2004, by Susan Moeller. Summary Full version (101 pages, pdf) About the publisher: “The Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) is a research center that pursues policy-oriented scholarship on major issues facing… Continue Reading

Industry Coordinates Lawsuits Against CAN-SPAM Violators

Microsoft press release, March 10, 2004: “America Online Inc., EarthLink Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo! Inc. today jointly announced that their collaborative anti-spam industry efforts have resulted in the coordinated filing of the first major industry lawsuits under the new federal anti-spam law, the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Po***graphy and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act of… Continue Reading

Compromise Reached on EU Data Protection Laws

“Parliament adopted by 439 votes in favour, 39 against and 28 abstentions an own-initiative report on the 1995 Data Protection Directive. The House states firmly that transfers of personal data to third country authorities without consent, such as in the case of the US authorities accessing transatlantic passenger data, seriously infringes EU data protection standards.… Continue Reading