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Monthly Archives: January 2004

Presentation on the Future of GPO

From Judith C. Russell, Superintendent of Documents, the text of her presentation from the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, in which she addresses the following topics: The GPO Reorganization Fact Gathering and Planning for the Future of GPO and the FDLP A New Economic Model for the GPO Sales Program Managing Legacy Federal Documents Collections Continue Reading

US-Visit Program Stirs Controversy, and Seems to Lack Exit Strategy

“EPIC has filed comments (pdf) in response to the Department of Homeland Security’s announcement that it will collect biometric and biographic information in the Arrival Departure Information System (ADIS) [Note – the ADIS System is mandated by Public Law 106-396, the Visa Waiver Program Act.] ADIS is one of at least twenty existing information systems… Continue Reading

Proposed Guidelines for Installing Library Web Filtering

The Center for Democracy and Technology issued “Proposed Guidelines for Libraries Installing Filtering under Federal Law” during the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting, underway in San Diego. Version 1.0 of Principles for CIPA-Mandated Filtering in Public Libraries “are intended to help libraries that are required to install Internet filtering software under the Childrens Internet Protection… Continue Reading

Tax Software Industry Concerned Over Free E-Filing and Privacy

Federal Computer Week reports on a privacy controversy associated with the highly touted IRS Free File system, which last year was predominently used by low income taxpayers. For 2003 filings, the IRS requested that members of the Free File Alliance (“a Public-Private Partnership between the Internal Revenue Service and software companies in the tax software… Continue Reading

Sen. Clinton Proposes Standardized Medical Reporting System

From Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s press release of January 12 on upcoming legislation to implement technology solutions to address the efficient delivery of health care, the proposal includes five major goals: Increasing research on quality of care; providing the public with a standardized reporting system that allows consumers to reliably compare performance; building an information… Continue Reading

IRS To Phase-In Encrypted E-Filing for 2005

From the December 29, 2003, Federal Register, this IRS notice: Addition of New Transmitter Encryption Options and Pending – Discontinuance of Non-Encrypted Options for IRS e-file – SUMMARY: Internal Revenue Service will provide the ability for IRS e- file program participants to use approved encryption methods for the 2005 and later filing seasons, beginning with… Continue Reading