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Monthly Archives: January 2004

New on

Read the following articles in the new issue of West Publishing Fires and Sues FindLaw Co-Founder Tim Stanley Public Libraries and the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA): Legal Sources Electronic Guide to the Best Mexican Law Websites Doing Legal Research in Canada – Updated Metaforix@Health: Healthcare, Online and Off Burney’s Gadgets for Legal Pros… Continue Reading

Another Round of Lawsuits by RIAA

From the EFF advisory, Recording Industry Announces Lawsuits Against Music Sharers: “Continuing a crusade against its own customers, the recording industry today announced lawsuits against more than five hundred individuals accused of illegal filesharing. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) announced it would seek the identity of “John Does” known by the addresses of… Continue Reading

The Internet, Privacy and Gov’t Data Mining Programs

Via, a reference to an excellent essay, e-Privacy? by Mary J. Cronin, adapted from the book Public Policy and the Internet: Privacy, Taxes, and Contract, edited by Nicholas Imparato and Mary J. Cronin. “The everyday activities of most Americans are now routinely recorded and analyzed by a variety of governmental and commercial organizations. From… Continue Reading