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Daily Archives: January 16, 2004

Legal Publisher Exploring Outsourcing Database Work

On December 10, 2003, I posted Are Paralegal Work and Legal Research Next to Go Offshore? As a follow-up, today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune published a more detailed article on this issue. It specifically focuses on how Thomson West, the legal publishing unit of Thomson Corporation, has established a test project for offshore work in India. According to the article, “just a few months into the quiet Indian pilot-office experience, the half-dozen or so Indian lawyers have been doing online interpretation and legal-classification of “unpublished decisions” of U.S. state and lower courts that are not considered big deals — or “precedential” in legal parlance.”

The Internet, Privacy and Gov’t Data Mining Programs

Via, a reference to an excellent essay, e-Privacy? by Mary J. Cronin, adapted from the book Public Policy and the Internet: Privacy, Taxes, and Contract, edited by Nicholas Imparato and Mary J. Cronin. “The everyday activities of most Americans are now routinely recorded and analyzed by a variety of governmental and commercial organizations. From… Continue Reading

Survey of Digital Library Aggregation Services

A Survey of Digital Library Aggregation Services by Martha L. Brogan, Digital Library Federation, Council on Library and Information Resources, Washington DC, December 2003. From the Executive Summary: “This reports provides an overview of a diverse set of more than thirty digital library aggregation services, organizes them into functional clusters and then evaluates them more… Continue Reading