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Daily Archives: January 5, 2004

Blogging on Legal Citations for Blogs

The BlogBook is a “guide to legal blogging” that hosts an ongoing discussion of style, ethics and technical issues associated with blawgs, launched late November 2003. The site’s design resembles that of the Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation, and its three authors are attorneys who are also writers and marketing experts. An article about… Continue Reading

Interview With Symantec CEO on Viruses, Cybercrime, and Threats to the Net

SYMANTEC CORP. – On the record: This extensive and interesting interview with Symantec Corp’s CEO John Thompson, whose company is well known for enterprise wide and home PC web security applications such as Norton Anti-Virus, discusses the politics of IT infrastructure security issues (he is a member of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council), cybercrime, ID… Continue Reading