110th Congressby Sabrina I. Pacifici on Nov 9, 2006SENATE: Republican (49) Democratic (49) Independent (2) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Republican (196) Democratic (230) Independent (0) National Journal’s Almanac of American Politics: The Newly Elected Members Of Congress The Democratic Agenda: Legislative Priorities, by Marilyn Werber Serafini, National Journal The Way Out of War – A blueprint for leaving Iraq now. Posted on Wednesday, November 8, 2006. Originally from October 2006, Harper’s. By George S. McGovern and William R. Polk. Gallup Poll, November 9, 2006: Democrats’ Election Strength Evident Across Voter Segments – Independent support a key to Democratic success U.S. State Department: First Muslim Elected to the U.S. Congress – Keith Ellison easily defeats rivals for Minnesota seat FacebookLinkedIn
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