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Search Results for: NSa Surveillance

AG, VP Issue Statements on Legal Underpinnings of Electronic Surveillance Program

In following postings on the revelations on the Domestic Surveillance Program, see the text of this Press Briefing by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and General Michael Hayden, Principal Deputy Director for National Intelligence, December 19, 2005. “The President confirmed the existence of a highly classified program on Saturday. The program remains highly classified; there are… Continue Reading

Administration Responds to Concerns About Domestic Surveillance Citing Exemption

Following up on related postings in the past several days, see the following references, resources, statements and news: Electronic Surveillance: 50 USC 1801 – 50 USC 1811. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Orders 1979-2004 Congressional Record: December 16, 2005 (Senate)[Page S13736-S13749]. Statement of Sen. Feinstein: “…Let me be clear. Domestic intelligence collection… Continue Reading

Government Surveillance Tools Operational

Recent news articles point to a growing controvery over proposed surveillance programs to collect and review personal data generated by daily online transactions by citizens. This New York Times article, Many Tools of Big Brother Are Up and Running, concludes that the foundation for much of the work to conduct widespread surveillance has already been… Continue Reading

Homeland Security and Surveillance

William Safire’s Op-Ed piece, You Are a Suspect, generated considerable reaction from readers as he enumerated how each and every daily transaction that you consider innocuous and routine (purchases with credit cards, filling prescriptions, surfing the web) will become part of the DOJ’s vast new, Total Information Awareness database. Needless to say, Safire condemns the… Continue Reading

Secret court authorizes continued telephone metadata collection

The Guardian UK: “After a decade in the shadows, a secretive surveillance court that authorises the bulk collection of American telephone records seized on its last chance to show off a little personality on Tuesday [June 30, 2015]. “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose, well, at least for 180 days,” wrote judge Michael… Continue Reading

Freedom on the Net 2014

Freedom on the Net 2014 – the fifth annual comprehensive study of internet freedom around the globe, covering developments in 65 countries that occurred between May 2013 and May 2014 –finds internet freedom around the world in decline for the fourth consecutive year, with 36 out of 65 countries assessed in the report experiencing a negative… Continue Reading

The State of Free Expression Online: 2014 in Review

Notes from the Fight Against Surveillance and Censorship: 2014 in Review “In recent years, we’ve seen a dramatic, global surge in attempts to censor and surveil users worldwide. Nevertheless, in the face of such threats, I find myself energized and awed by our growing movement. In the past year, we’ve seen the whole community become… Continue Reading

POGO – DOJ Sues Firm That Screened Edward Snowden and Navy Yard Shooter

Neil Gordon via POGO: “On Wednesday [January 23, 2014], the Justice Department filed its long-awaited complaint in a False Claims Act lawsuit against background check contractor U.S. Investigations Services (USIS). In October last year, Justice announced it had intervened in the lawsuit, which was filed in 2011 by former USIS employee Blake Percival. Percival’s complaint is posted here. The government claims… Continue Reading

EPIC – Leahy and Sensenbrenner Introduce USA FREEDOM Act

“The Democratic Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Republican author of the Patriot Act have introduced the USA FREEDOM Act, which would reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and limit NSA surveillance activities. A bi-partisan coalition, including 17 Senators and 70 Members of Congress, have joined as original co-sponsors. Key provisions of the FREEDOM… Continue Reading

DOJ/Obama Administration White Paper on Bulk Collection of Metadata Telephony

WSJ – Obama Proposes Surveillance-Policy Overhaul – President Plans Changes to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Transcript of President Obama’s press conference on surveillance, August 9, 2013 Background on the President’s Statement on Reforms to NSA Programs, August 9 2013 Huffington Post – Obama Proposes FISA Reforms Amid Growing Concerns Over NSA Surveillance DOJ/Obama Administration White Paper on… Continue Reading

EPIC Speaks to Oversight Board, Former Judge Questions FISC

“EPIC, in a prepared statement, addressed the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board regarding NSA surveillance under the Patriot Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act at day long workshop. Retired Judge James Robertson, who served on the FISA Court, told the panel that he was “stunned” by the news that the government was collecting… Continue Reading