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Search Results for: NSa Surveillance

FISA Court Wants Answers From White House on Domestic Surveillance

The Washington Post today reported that the FISA Court judges will be briefed by intelligence officials next week on details regarding post 9/11 authorization of domestic wiretapping. In addition, the article states that only the court’s presiding judge was informed about the program prior to the information becoming public in December 2005. Related references: How… Continue Reading

Objections Conveyed to White House On Limited Scope of NSA Briefings

AP reports that House Intelligence Committee ranking Democrat, Rep. Jane Harman sent a letter to the White House stating the limited scope of NSA briefings on domestic surveillance, provided only to select members of Congress, did not comply with the National Security Act. Related references: “EPIC has obtained the first Freedom of Information Act documents… Continue Reading

Release of New Documents Complicates Understanding of NSA Actions Post 9/11

Several articles available today expand upon the discussion about, and information related to, the escalating controversy generated by revelations of a post 9/11 domestic surveillance program. Listed below are the articles and links which collectively shed new light on the issue, result in further questions yet unanswered, and offer additional commentary and perspective on potential… Continue Reading

Declassified Letters by Pelosi and Hayden on NSA Activities Released

Following up on my December 21, 2005 posting, Pelosi Requests Declassification of Her Letter on NSA Activities, today Congresswoman Pelosi released the text of her letter, along with the response of then National Security Agency (NSA) Director Michael Hayden, both of which have redacted, and date from October 2001. Related references: AP: Intelligence Panel Had… Continue Reading

The Divide Deepens Over Domestic Surveillance Program

Several new articles worth highlighting in reference to the domestic surveillance program that has raised vociferous responses from the President, members of Congress, the polls, bloggers, and a range of other sources. Time Magazine, Bush Says, Bring It On; the Critics Will: “…the White House decided its strategy would be to “overwhelm the skeptics, not… Continue Reading

Domestic Surveillance Data Distributed Among Intel Agencies

Washington Post (reg. req’d): NSA Gave Other U.S. Agencies Information From Surveillance – Fruit of Eavesdropping Was Processed and Cross-Checked With Databases Related reference: Frank Church, Chairman of Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities – investigates alleged abuse of power by CIA and FBI. See the Church Committee Reports. Continue Reading

DOJ Launches Investigation Into Leak About Domestic Surveillance Program

As a result of the New York Times article published on December 15 of this year, as reported by CNN and AP: “The Justice Department has opened an investigation into the leak of classified information about President Bush’s secret domestic spying program.” Related references: White House spokesman Trent Duffy: “The leaking of classified information is… Continue Reading

NSA Website Uses Cookies Despite Prohibition

AP reports that the NSA website has continued to use cookies to track user access of the site, despite strict prohibitions against such practices: OMB Guidance for Implementing the Privacy Provisions of the E-Government Act of 2002, September 26, 2003 – Tracking technology prohibitions: agencies are prohibited from using persistent cookies or any other means… Continue Reading

FISA Court Made Modifications to Bush Surveillance Requests

Secret court modified wiretap requests – Intervention may have led Bush to bypass panel, by Stewart M. Powell, Seattle Post-Intelligencer Washington Bureau. Related commentary, references and postings: Reuters: Secret surveillance up since 9/11 – “The Justice Department’s reports to the U.S. Congress on the surveillance court’s activities show that the Bush administration made 5,645 applications… Continue Reading

Daschle Disputes Authorization of Domestic Surveillance

AP: “The use of warrantless wiretaps on American citizens was never discussed when Congress authorized the White House to use force against al-Qaida after the Sept. 11 attacks, says former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle.” Washington Post Op Ed, Power We Didn’t Grant, by Tom Daschle, Friday, December 23, 2005: “As Senate majority leader at… Continue Reading

Bipartisan Group of Senators Call For Joint Inquiry into Domestic Surveillance

Press release, December 20, 2005: “U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and a bipartisan group of Senate Intelligence Committee members today called for a joint inquiry by the Judiciary and Intelligence Committees into the President’s authorization of domestic electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens.” Related reference: Press release: “The American Civil Liberties Union today submitted records requests… Continue Reading