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Search Results for: poverty

A Courts-Focused Research Agenda for the DOJ

Brennan Center – Recommendations for the Justice Depart. research agenda “to shed more light on how to improve our nation’s vast system of local, state, and federal courts. Millions of individuals interact with the U.S. criminal and civil legal system every year. Many of them look to the courts to defend their rights and ensure… Continue Reading

CBO Updates Its Interactive Tool for Analyzing the Effects of Federal Minimum-Wage Increases

“[April 5, 2021], CBO updated its interactive tool—initially released in November 2019—that allows users to create custom policy options to examine how different approaches to changing the minimum wage would affect earnings, employment, family income, and poverty. The estimates shown in the tool were generated using the same methods underlying CBO’s most recent reports on… Continue Reading

Did you work remotely last year? A surprise tax might be waiting for you.

Vox: “The pandemic has accelerated the move to remote work and with it the possibility that those employees can live anywhere they please. That could mean a higher standard of living and a lower income tax rate for the growing number of remote workers. But in some instances it could mean having to pay taxes… Continue Reading

A Computer Scientist Who Tackles Inequality Through Algorithms

Qanta Magazine: “When Rediet Abebe arrived at Harvard University as an undergraduate in 2009, she planned to study mathematics. But her experiences with the Cambridge public schools soon changed her plans. Abebe, 29, is from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital and largest city. When residents there didn’t have the resources they needed, she attributed it to community-level scarcity.… Continue Reading

The Digital Divide: What Is It, Where Is It, and Federal Assistance Programs

CRS – The Digital Divide: What Is It, Where Is It, and Federal Assistance Programs, March 09, 2021: “As the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic began to unfold, many federal, local, and state governments, in addition to large and small businesses, implemented remote working or distance learning options to help abate the spread of the… Continue Reading

A Roadmap for US Global Leadership

A Roadmap for US Global Leadership – Report on Reports – March 2021: “The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded Americans that the world is interconnected and what happens overseas can land on kitchen tables at home in a matter of hours. Upending an already turbulent political and global landscape, American’s health and economic security have been… Continue Reading

2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report

University of Pennsylvania Scholarly Commons – 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, James G. McGann: “The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania conducts research on the role policy institutes play in governments and civil societies around the world. Often referred to as the… Continue Reading

JHU – New Tool Offers County-Level Insight Into COVID-19 Impact

“The Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center has launched a new tool on its U.S. state tracking pages that provides county-level insight into the effects of COVID-19 through case and testing data measured against key demographic information, including race and poverty level. The Coronavirus Resource Center is the first to publish such a compilation of… Continue Reading

Finding A Path Forward To Regulate The Legal Industry

Law360 – Gerald Knapton – “Some important changes for the legal profession are underway and a sea change seems possible. The most important decision to be made is whether lawyers will continue to regulate themselves or if a new supervisory body — probably some form of an independent, nonprofit regulator with delegated authority over some… Continue Reading

How do we make a good taxonomy of legal problems?

Open Law Lab: “I have been working on the giant effort to make a comprehensive, user-centered taxonomy of legal issues that people have in the US. It’s called LIST, Legal Issues Taxonomy, and up in its growing glory at the site Note: this new taxonomy was previously called National Subject Matter Index v2 (NSMIv2),… Continue Reading

The covid-19 recession is the most unequal in modern U.S. history

Washington Post article and charts – “Job losses from the pandemic overwhelmingly affected low-wage, minority workers most. Seven months into the recovery, Black women, Black men and mothers of school-age children are taking the longest time to regain their employment.” In the wake of widespread closings of schools and day-care centers, mothers are struggling to… Continue Reading

Americans’ Views of Government: Low Trust, but Some Positive Performance Ratings

“For years, public trust in the federal government has hovered at near-record lows. That remains the case today, as the United States struggles with a pandemic and economic recession. Just 20% of U.S. adults say they trust the government in Washington to “do the right thing” just about always or most of the time. Yet… Continue Reading