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Search Results for: NSa Surveillance

Hearings on Telecom Customer Data and Domestic Surveillance Cancelled

Follow-up to postings on the government phone surveillance program, reported that Senate Judicary Chair Arlen Specter cancelled hearings that would have scrutinized the extent to which phone companies provided customer records to the NSA. Related Congressional news: CNN reported on growing tensions between Specter and Cheney which produced a formal written complaint by the… Continue Reading

DOJ Investigation into Domestic Surveillance Program Blocked On Security Grounds

Justice Department Probe Foiled, by Shane Harris and Murray Waas, National Journal: “An internal Justice Department inquiry into whether department officials — including Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and then-Attorney General John Ashcroft — acted properly in approving and overseeing the Bush administration’s domestic eavesdropping program was stymied because investigators were denied security clearances to do… Continue Reading

Domestic Telephone Surveillance Documents Add to Controversy

Follow-up to recent postings, EFF Can Use Critical AT&T Documents in Surveillance Lawsuit and Does Domestic Telephone Surveillance Violate Communications Act?, today Wired published Whistle-Blower’s Evidence, Uncut [note related link, 29 pages, PDF, documenting domestic surveillance program activities and technical descriptions] Related news and documents: Studs Terkel, Other Prominent Chicagoans Join Together to Challenge AT&T… Continue Reading

CIA Director Nominee Contends Domestic Surveillance Legal

Senate Intelligence Committee Open Hearing: Confirmation Hearing of General Michael V. Hayden to be the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, May 18, 2006. Opening Statement by Michael V. Hayden, Unclassified (5 pages, PDF) Via FAS, full transcript of the Hayden confirmation hearing (171 pages, PDF), and the same transcript via DNI AP: Hayden Insists… Continue Reading

EFF Can Use Critical AT&T Documents in Surveillance Lawsuit

Follow-up to May 15, 2006 posting, EFF Reports Government Files Secret Motion to Dismiss AT&T Surveillance Case: Press release, May 17, 2006: “A federal judge in San Francisco ruled today that the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) can use critical evidence in its class-action lawsuit against AT&T. However, U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker said the evidence… Continue Reading

Does Domestic Telephone Surveillance Violate Communications Act?

Following up on May 12, 2006 posting, Info On Pentagon Phone Surveillance Program Generates Legal and Political Ramifications, see today’s press release from Rep. Ed Markey, Letter to FCC Regarding the Legality of Telco Complicity in Phone Records Mining: Today Representative Markey sent a letter to the Chairman of the Federal Communications Committee (FCC) requesting… Continue Reading

Info On Pentagon Phone Surveillance Program Generates Legal and Political Ramifications

Follow-up to May 11, 2006 posting, Domestic Call Records Mined for Expansive Pentagon Database Program, see the following related news and commentary: NSA secret database report triggers fierce debate in Washington Gathering data may not violate privacy rights, but it could be illegal Press release: Over Fifty Members of Congress Call for Special… Continue Reading

EFF Files Files Evidence in Motion In Case Against ISP for Alleged Domestic Surveillance of Customers

Press release: EFF Files Evidence in Motion to Stop AT&T’s Dragnet Surveillance “The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Wednesday filed the legal briefs and evidence supporting its motion for a preliminary injunction in its class-action lawsuit against AT&T… “The evidence that we are filing supports our claim that AT&T is diverting Internet traffic into the… Continue Reading