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Search Results for: NSa Surveillance

Civil Liberties Issues and Amendments to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Follow-up to August 6, 2007 posting – Questions and Answers on the Protect America Act of 2007 – today’s related press release on the bill President Bush signed into law on August 5, 2007: “U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) yesterday asked for and received a letter from Admiral Mike McConnell [text of which is included… Continue Reading

Bill to Amend Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Ready for President's Signature

S. 1927 – A bill to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to provide additional procedures for authorizing certain acquisitions of foreign intelligence information and for other purposes. AP: “The House handed President Bush a victory Saturday, voting to expand the government’s abilities to eavesdrop without warrants on foreign suspects whose communications pass… Continue Reading

Federal Appeals Court Dismisses Challenge to Domestic Surveillance Program

Follow up to previous postings on domestic surveillance programs, news today that 6th Circuit found none of the plaintiff’s had standing against the NSA with regard to the Terrorist Surveillance Program (TSP). See the ACLU press release: “In a 2-1 decision, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today dismissed a legal challenge to the Bush… Continue Reading

Secret Surveillance Evidence Unsealed in Telecom Domestic Surveillance Case

Follow up to previous postings on the domestic surveillance program and AT&T’s alleged participation, this press release today: “More documents detailing secret government surveillance of AT&T’s Internet traffic have been released to the public as part of the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s (EFF’s) class-action lawsuit against the telecom giant. Some of the unsealed information was previously… Continue Reading

Oversight of Domestic Surveillance Program Shifts to Secret Court

In a letter today to Senators Patrick Leahy and Arlen Specter, Chairman and Ranking Member, Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Gonzales stated, “…a Judge of the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) issued orders authorizing the Government to target for collection international communications into or out of the United States where there is a probable cause… Continue Reading

DOJ IG Launches Investigation Into Info Gathered Via Domestic Surveillance Program

Press release: “Following requests for an investigation of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) warrantless surveillance program from Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), and other House members, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Glenn A. Fine today informed Lofgren and Hinchey that his office has opened a program review of the agency’s involvement… Continue Reading

Group Urges Appeals Court to Affirm Landmark Decision Striking Down Warrantless NSA Spying

Following up in general on postings related to the administration’s domestic surveillance program, and specifically on, Federal Judge Rules NSA Domestic Surveillance Program Unconstitutional, this news today: “The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Michigan today urged a federal appeals court (6th Circuit, Cincinnati, Ohio) to uphold a lower court ruling declaring the… Continue Reading

UK Report Reviews Surveillance in 2006 With Projections Through 2016

The UK Information Commissioner, Richard Thomas, today issued a press release and a publication titled, A Surveillance Society (102 pages, PDF), a report commissioned for the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, currently underway. The report “looks at surveillance in 2006 and projects forward ten years to 2016. It describes a surveillance society… Continue Reading

Senate Passes National Security Surveillance Act of 2006

September 13, 2006 By Mr. SPECTER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute, S. 2453: A bill to establish procedures for the review of electronic surveillance programs. By Mr. SPECTER, from the Committee on the Judiciary, without amendment: S. 2455. A bill to provide in statute for… Continue Reading

Draft Agreement With White House on Domestic Surveillance Oversight

CDT, July 14, 2006: “Contrary to press reports of a White House compromise on NSA legislation, Senator Specter has agreed to a bill that would shield the Administration from accountability for its illegal warrantless wiretapping. The bill has been erroneously described as requiring judicial review of the President’s warrantless wiretapping program. In fact, the bill… Continue Reading