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Search Results for: poverty

Carsey Institute: More Poor Kids in More Poor Places: Children Increasingly Live Where Poverty Persists

More Poor Kids in More Poor Places: Children Increasingly Live Where Poverty Persists, October 18, 2011 “The authors of this brief examine child poverty rates using decennial census data from 1980, 1990, and 2000, as well as American Community Survey five-year estimates between 2005 and 2009, to identify those counties where child poverty has persisted.… Continue Reading

Pew: Fighting Poverty in a Bad Economy, Americans Move in with Relatives

Fighting Poverty in a Bad Economy, Americans Move in with Relatives, By Rakesh Kochhar and D’Vera Cohn. October 3, 2011 “Without public debate or fanfare, large numbers of Americans enacted their own anti-poverty program in the depths of the Great Recession: They moved in with relatives. This helped fuel the largest increase in the number… Continue Reading

Poverty and income trends continue to paint a bleak picture for working families

Economic Policy Institute: A lost decade – Poverty and income trends continue to paint a bleak picture for working families, By Elise Gould and Heidi Shierholz | September 14, 2011 “Between 2009 and 2010, an additional ­­­­­­2.6 million people slipped below the poverty line, as the poverty rate increased from 14.3 percent to 15.1 percent.… Continue Reading

USDA – Rural Income, Poverty, and Welfare

Economic Research Service, updated September 17, 2011: “ERS research in this area focuses on the economic, social, and demographic factors that affect the income and poverty status of rural residents and their participation in Federal assistance programs, including food assistance programs. The industrial sources of earned income vary widely across rural areas. Social Security and… Continue Reading

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010

News release: “The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that in 2010, median household income declined, the poverty rate increased and the percentage without health insurance coverage was not statistically different from the previous year. Real median household income in the United States in 2010 was $49,445, a 2.3 percent decline from the 2009 median. The… Continue Reading

Brookings: Immigration and Poverty in America's Suburbs

Immigration and Poverty in America’s Suburbs – Opportunity and Well-being, Immigration, U.S. Poverty, Race, Ethnicity, Roberto Suro, Jill H. Wilson, Audrey Singer – The Brookings Institution, August 2011: “An analysis of poverty levels among U.S.-born and foreign-born residents in the nation’s 95 largest metropolitan areas in 2000 and 2009 shows that: Foreign-born residents of America’s… Continue Reading

Report: Poverty in households with children is rising in nearly all OECD countries

News release: “Poverty in households with children is rising in nearly all OECD countries. Governments should ensure that family support policies protect the most vulnerable, according to the OECD’s first-ever report on family well-being. Doing Better for Families says that families with children are more likely to be poor today than in previous decades, when… Continue Reading

The Wisconsin Poverty Measure and Effects of Federal and State Policies in Wisconsin

The New Demography of Poverty: The Wisconsin Poverty Measure and Effects of Federal and State Policies in Wisconsin, By Julia B. Isaacs, Joanna Young Marks, Katherine A. Thornton, and Timothy M. Smeeding “This paper describes efforts to develop a more comprehensive and up-to-date measure of poverty in Wisconsin as a model for other states to… Continue Reading

Census Bureau Releases Research on the Supplemental Poverty Measure

News release: “The Census Bureau is releasing the research paper, Who is Poor? A New Look With the Supplemental Poverty Measure, plus a number of other technical working papers on the topic. The research paper applies methodology recommended by a federal interagency technical working group to present supplemental poverty estimates. The supplemental poverty measure is… Continue Reading