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Justia Portal by the Numbers: Resources for Aspiring Lawyers (And Practicing Lawyers Too!)

Via LLRXJustia Portal by the Numbers: Resources for Aspiring Lawyers (And Practicing Lawyers Too!) – Justia’s mission is to make the law and legal resources free for all. In keeping with this mission, the Justia Portal offers free access to statutes from all 50 states, cases from federal courts and the highest state courts, legal guides, and more! While these resources make the law more accessible to the general public, they also help aspiring lawyers just beginning their journeys into the profession and ease the early stages of legal research for practicing attorneys looking for quick access to relevant laws. Additionally, Justia Law Schools helps prospective law students (and those already studying to become lawyers) gather information on U.S. law schools and the law school admissions process. In this post, Justia’s team shares some data about some of the most frequently viewed law schools nationwide, as well as some information about the most viewed provisions of the law and cases on their site.

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