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Category Archives: Legislation

Another Step Toward Better Broadband Maps

FCC: “On June 30, the Federal Communications Commission opened the first ever window to collect information from broadband providers in every state and territory about precisely where they provide broadband services. I announced the opening of the window with a Note to put this milestone in context and to explain in detail the Commission’s work… Continue Reading

American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Launches New Legal Information Resource

AALL: “The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) is offering a new resource for information professionals—law librarians, legal information professionals , and public librarians—and members of the public to easily locate online primary legal materials. The new Online Legal Information Resources (OLIR) includes information for U.S. states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, the U.S.… Continue Reading

Before the Presidential Records Act of 1978, presidents owned their papers

Washington Post: Now all presidents, including Donald Trump, must turn them over to the National Archives. “Until the 1970s, former presidents could do pretty much whatever they wanted with their presidential papers. That often was a problem. Some papers “were purposely destroyed, while others fell victim to chance destruction,” concluded a 1978 congressional study. “Others… Continue Reading

A new US data privacy bill aims to give you more control over information collected about you – and make businesses change how they handle data

Via LLRX – A new US data privacy bill aims to give you more control over information collected about you – and make businesses change how they handle data – With rare bipartisan support, the American Data and Privacy Protection Act moved out of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce by a… Continue Reading

Abortion Rises in Importance as a Voting Issue, Driven by Democrats

Pew Research Center Report: “While the economy remains the dominant issue in this fall’s midterm elections, the issue of abortion has increased markedly in importance among Democrats following the Supreme Court’s decision ending the federal guarantee of a right to legal abortion in the United States. A majority of registered voters (56%) say the issue… Continue Reading

The Inflation Reduction Act Drives Significant Emissions Reductions and Positions America to Reach Our Climate Goals

U.S. Dept. of Energy Report: “The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 represents a historic, $369 billion investment in the modernization of the American energy system. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) preliminary assessment finds that this law—in combination with other enacted policies and past actions—will help drive 2030 economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 40%… Continue Reading

Massachusetts just passed a massive climate and clean energy bill

Washington Post: “Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker (R) on Thursday signed a major climate and clean-energy bill that contains sweeping policies targeting renewables, transportation and fossil fuels — a move that lawmakers and advocates say is critical to supporting the state’s goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. Baker’s decision to sign the bill, which was… Continue Reading

Presidential Records Management: Preservation and Disposal

CRS in Focus – Presidential Records Management: Preservation and Disposal. Updated August 9, 2022 – “Presidential records provide an essential window into many of the most consequential actions and decisions of the American government. The Presidential Records Act (PRA; 44 U.S.C. §§2201-2209) sets forth requirements regarding the maintenance, access, and preservation of presidential and vice… Continue Reading

How California Reproductive Health Workers Can Protect Information They Submit to the Government

EFF: “With the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs reversing long-standing rights to abortion access, workers and volunteers for reproductive health clinics must reevaluate the risks they face (also known as a threat model) and take steps to safeguard their personal information–including information they have submitted to the government.  In 2020, nearly 17% of abortions… Continue Reading

Preliminary Report: The Climate and Energy Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

Suggested citation: Jenkins, J.D., Mayfield, E.N., Farbes, J., Jones, R., Patankar, N., Xu, Q., Schivley, G., “Preliminary Report: The Climate and Energy Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,” REPEAT Project, Princeton, NJ, August 2022 “This report describes the national-scale energy system and greenhouse gas emissions impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), as… Continue Reading

PFAS: The Impact of Forever Chemicals

American Bar Association: “Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are manufactured chemicals used around the globe and have left a lasting impact on our planet. PFAS are used to make products resistant to heat, stains, water, and grease and enjoy widespread use across various industries. They prevent food from sticking to cookware; make clothes, furniture, and… Continue Reading

Phones Know Who Went to an Abortion Clinic. Whom Will They Tell? “…Since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling, companies across the location-data industry are examining and in some cases revising how they handle data regarding visits to abortion clinics. Some are agreeing voluntarily not to sell the data or say they will store it in ways that mask the location. Some such as Tapestri, which pays… Continue Reading