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Category Archives: Knowledge Management

ChatGPT is hallucinating fake links to its news partners’ biggest investigations

NiemanLab, Andrew Deck: “Over the past year, several major news media companies have signed on the dotted line with OpenAI, entering a content licensing partnership with the developer of ChatGPT. Most of those partnership announcements state that as part of the deals, ChatGPT will produce attributed summaries of each media company’s reporting and link to… Continue Reading

Generative AI Resources 2024

Via LLRX – Generative AI Resources 2024 – Referencing an article in this month’s Georgetown Law Technology Review, “…traditional AI algorithms normally operate by carrying out a specific function or completing a task using a data set that contains information on how that function or task has previously been done In other words, traditional AI is… Continue Reading

Here’s how machine learning can violate your privacy

Via LLRX – Here’s how machine learning can violate your privacy – Jordan Awan, Assistant Professor of Statistics, Purdue University explains how machine learning has pushed the boundaries in several fields, including personalized medicine, self-driving cars and customized advertisements. Research has shown, however, that these systems memorize aspects of the data they were trained with in order… Continue Reading

The Internet is Not Forever, So It’s Time to Preserve What You Can

How to Geek: “Key Takeaways Web content is constantly at risk of being lost; users can help preserve it. Physical media and DRM-free backups are essential for long-term access. Focus on preserving personal favorites and cultural artifacts for future generations. There’s a saying that “the internet never forgets” but that’s just wishful thinking. Storing data… Continue Reading

The Legal Tech Bro Blues: Generative AI, Legal Indeterminacy, and the Future of Legal Research and Writing

Georgetown Law Technology Review – Essays – The Legal Tech Bro Blues: Generative AI, Legal Indeterminacy, and the Future of Legal Research and Writing, Nicholas Mignanelli, May 2024. “In recent years, a new figure, the tech bro, has arrived in the legal field. He can be found opining on podcasts and social media platforms, selling… Continue Reading

Generative AI

Georgetown Law Technology Review, Generative Law, Sadie O’Connor, May 2024. “Generative artificial intelligence (“GAI”) is AI that is capable of creating various forms of new content (audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos). With AI becoming increasingly present in today’s world and rapidly growing in capability, its advantages, disadvantages, and potential uses have become a… Continue Reading

Internet Archive Lists Banned Books

Metafilter: “included within a recent announcement by the the Internet Archive is a list of banned books. this is a great resource! started reading & only got as far as Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe [gbooks]. there’s apparently also a film. looking forward to exploring further!” Continue Reading

Illegal Immigrant Murderers in Texas, 2013–2022

CATO Institute: “Crime committed by illegal immigrants is an important and contentious public policy issue, but it is notoriously difficult to measure and compare their criminal conviction rates with those of other groups such as legal immigrants and native‐​born Americans. This policy analysis is the latest paper that attempts to resolve those data disputes by… Continue Reading

Inhouse Counsel More Focused on AI + Automation Than US Law Firms

Artificial Lawyer: “A survey of over 200 senior lawyers at AmLaw 200 law firms and those working inhouse at major corporations, mainly with a professional interest in disputes, has found that inhouse lawyers appear to be more focused now on AI and automation than their external cousins. The study by ALSP UnitedLex found that when… Continue Reading

Inside the US government’s brilliantly boring websites

MIT Technology Review – You may not notice it, but your experience on any US government website is a carefully crafted experience. “The United States has an official web design system and a custom typeface. This public design system aims to make government websites not only good-looking but accessible and functional for all. Before the… Continue Reading