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Category Archives: Courts

CREW – Clarence Thomas must resign

“In order to preserve the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, Justice Clarence Thomas must resign. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington today sent a letter to Thomas calling on him to resign and outlining why his resignation is a necessity. “This is not something we do lightly,” CREW President Noah Bookbinder said. “This is… Continue Reading

Appearances by Sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justices at Congressional Committee and Subcommittee Hearings (1960-2022)

CRS – Appearances by Sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justices at Congressional Committee and Subcommittee Hearings (1960-2022): “This Insight provides historical information and analysis related to appearances by sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justices at congressional committee and subcommittee hearings during the period 1960 through 2022 (confirmation hearings are excluded from the analysis). Congressional hearings are used,… Continue Reading

The U.S. Supreme Court’s Turn Toward Tyranny

The U.S. Supreme Court’s Turn Toward Tyranny. May 4, 2023 by Heidi Li Feldman. Keynote for the Ontario Bar Association Legal Conference, “Cross Borders.” Lecture notes prepared by Heidi Li Feldman Part One: Outline of Remarks [snipped] 1.   Overview of the current state of U.S. Supreme Court A.   Composition of the current Supreme Court bench… Continue Reading

Justice Thomas, gift reporting rules, and what a Supreme Court code of conduct would and wouldn’t accomplish

Brookings: “Recent revelations of Justice Clarence Thomas’s rocky relationship with gift and income reporting rules have heightened attention to the arcane and often misunderstood federal judicial ethics regime and quickened the drumbeat for a Supreme Court code of conduct. My goal in this post is to (1) summarize the statutes and rules that govern federal… Continue Reading

Meet the Law Schools Leading the Way in Innovation

Bloomberg Law ($): “As law firms, businesses, and their clients adapt to the new realities of the legal and business worlds, law schools must prepare students in new ways—beyond traditional law school curricula and teaching methods—to give students an experience and education that better prepares them for their post-graduation careers. Bloomberg Law launched its inaugural… Continue Reading

Precedent Unbound: The Supreme Court’s Summary Elimination of Liberal Lower Court Rulings

Tucker, Lisa A. and Risch, Michael, Precedent Unbound: The Supreme Court’s Summary Elimination of Liberal Lower Court Rulings (March 19, 2023). Florida Law Review, Vol. 76, (2024 Forthcoming), Available at SSRN: or “Over the past two years the United States Supreme Court has erased thirteen politically and legally significant opinions written by the… Continue Reading

Bush v. Gore docs among new releases from Justice Stevens archives

NBC News: “Internal documents concerning the Supreme Court‘s historic Bush v. Gore decision in 2000 that handed the White House to President George W. Bush are being made public Tuesday, with the Library of Congress releasing a new trove of papers from the archives of Justice John Paul Stevens. Stevens, who died in 2019 at… Continue Reading

Jane Roberts, who is married to Chief Justice John Roberts, made $10.3 million in commissions from elite law firms, whistleblower documents show

Business Insider: “Jane Sullivan Roberts, the spouse of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts made more than $10 million in commissions as a headhunter for top-tier law firms between 2007 and 2014, according to internal documents included with a whistleblower complaint. Jane Roberts was paid more than $10 million by a host of elite law… Continue Reading

The Rapid Rise of Generative AI Threatens to Upend US Patent System ($) – “As issues about artificial intelligence make their way through the US patent system, greater disclosure about its use may lead to questions about how ideas are formed that are not considered under existing patent rules, warns Dr. Michael Sartori…When members of the US supreme court refused this week to hear a groundbreaking… Continue Reading

Mifepristone is under scrutiny in the courts, but it has been used safely and effectively around the world for decades

Via LLRX – Mifepristone is under scrutiny in the courts, but it has been used safely and effectively around the world for decades – A flurry of court rulings in April 2023 has left the future of the abortion pill mifepristone in question. For now, a U.S. Supreme Court decision on April 21 allows the drug… Continue Reading

Comprehensive collection of Dominion Court Documents

“Dominion Voting – Legal Updates / Archived site [h/t Ben Amat] – Lies and misinformation have severely damaged our company and diminished the credibility of U.S. elections, subjecting hardworking public officials and Dominion employees to harassment and death threats.  Dominion is taking steps to right these wrongs through our judicial system. [snipped] Complaint & Court… Continue Reading