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Verizon Wireless Announces Plans to Open Network

Verizon press release: “Verizon Wireless today announced that it will provide customers the option to use, on its nationwide wireless network, wireless devices, software and applications not offered by the company. Verizon Wireless plans to have this new choice available to customers throughout the country by the end of 2008.”

  • Center for Democracy and Technology: “Verizon Wireless today announced a groundbreaking plan to open its mobile network to devices and applications developed and sold by third parties. Starting in 2008, in an unprecedented break from industry practice, Verizon will allow customers unrestricted access to its entire wireless network using any device that meets a basic set of connectivity standards. This announcement represents a major development in the evolution of the wireless communications marketplace, and the policy debate over the more closed policies that wireless carriers have followed to date. CDT applauds the new plan and believes it will spur significant innovation and consumer benefit. In addition, CDT believes the plan will impact the ongoing Internet neutrality debate by confirming the benefits of open network architectures.”
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